Data Structures using Java Part 4: Loops, bounds, arrays, multidimensional arrays

1. while

// fucntion to check for a prime number
public static boolean isPrime( int n){

	int divisor = 2;
	while(divisor < n){
		if (n % divisor == 0){ // this is the while loop
			return false; // since n is divisible by a number
	return true; // checked all values from 2 to n-1

If n <= 2, the loop wont execute.

2. for

for(initialise; test; next){
// intitalise gets executed first
while (test){
// check for the prime number using a for loop
public static boolean isPrime( int n){

for(int divisor =2 ; divisor < n ; divisor ++){
		if (n % divisor == 0){ // this is the while loop
			return false; // since n is divisible by a number
	return true; // checked all values from 2 to n-1

Loop bounds

// Print all the prime numbers in the range from 2 to n
public static void printPrimes( int n) {
int i;
for(i =2; i < n ; i++){ // error as the condition should be i <= n
	if (isPrime(i)){
		System.out.println(" " + i);


An object consists of numbered list of variables. Each is a primitive type or a reference to a object.

char[] c; // reference to an array of characters which can be of any length
c = new char[4]; // creates the array and the size is mentioned
c[0] = 'b'; // we use the single quotes for characters
c[3] = 't';
c[8] = 'y'; // Runtime exception
int a = c.length; // gives the length of the array
c.length = 20; // gives a compile time error

Multidimensional arrays
2D array : Is an array of references to 1D arrays. For example the Pascal’s triangle: In mathematics, Pascal’s triangle is a geometric arrangement of the binomial coefficients in a triangle. It is named after mathematician Blaise Pascal.

Pascals Triangle
// creates and returns a pascal triangle using 2D arrays
public static int[][] pascalTriangle (int n){

 int[][] pt = new int[n][]; // allocates n references for the array.

 for( int i = 0; i< n ; i++){
 	pt[i] = new int[i+1];
 	pt[i][0] = 1;
 	for (int j = 1; j< i; j++){
 		pt[i][j] = pt[i-1][j-1] + pt[i-1][j];
 	pt[i][j] = 1;
 return pt;

Data Structures using Java Part 4: Loops, bounds, arrays, multidimensional arrays